
Saturday, April 29, 2023

An excerpt from my book "The Laughing Cure" as a tribute to Jerry Springer

Dr Brian King reads an excerpt from his book "The Laughing Cure"
#laughteristhebestmedicine #jerryspringer

Thursday, April 27, 2023

My friend Shawn Mark went from living on the streets, to reuniting with ...

Comedian Shawn Mark has had a rough life. Growing up in the foster system with drug and alcohol issues, he ended up homeless in Nashville when his life took a positive turn, and he was transformed into a family man TV personality!
Co-host Ash Newland and I met up with him on our recent tour to discuss this incredible journey.

Please watch, like and share!

To help support my work:
Every bit helps me create better content.
#relativerace #ontheroad #nashville

Sunday, April 23, 2023

My first cross country tour with Erin!

I began touring extensively in 2012. Long before I knew anything about vlogging, I would film quick clips on my phone as we traveled. I figured that someday, after I learned how to edit, I'd make something with those clips. Apparently, "someday" is today.

Please watch, like and share!

To help support my work:
Every bit helps me create better content.
#comedians #ontheroad #ontour

Saturday, April 15, 2023

She lost over 300 pounds!

My new book is about losing weight, and for it I interviewed a lot of people about their experiences. However, one story I couldn't wait to share with the world was of my good friend, comedian Kamane "Queenie" Marshall who has lost over 300 pounds!
We recently met up in Las Vegas to record this video.
Please watch, like and share!

Her channel: @ComedienneQueenieTT
To help support my work:
Every bit helps me create better content.
#weightloss #comedian #lasvegas 

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Comedian Dr Brian King talks about the temptations of Canadian food.

I wrote my new book, Of Bears and Weight Loss, while living in Montreal, Canada, surrounded by incredible restaurants. How are Americans known for our obesity when Canada offers so much yummy food? Find out!
Order it here:

Please watch, like and share!

To help support my work:
Every bit helps me create better content.

#comedian #canada #poutine

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Comedian Dr Brian King talks about the time he swam with manatees!

A version of this story appears in my new book, Of Bears and Weight Loss, available now!
Order it here:

Communing with nature, in one of the most embarrassing ways possible.
Please watch, like and share!

To help support my work:
Every bit helps me create better content.

#comedian #manatee #crystalriver

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

My new book on losing weight is available for pre-order now!

I'm a big man, but I was even bigger. About 100 pounds bigger to be specific. I am also a psychologist and I know a little about behavior change, so over the last few years I have been steadily working to lose weight and even wrote a book about the experience. This is the book trailer.

Pre-Order it here:

To help support my work:
Every bit helps me create better content (and maybe lose more weight).

#weightloss #author #booktrailer