
Wednesday, December 13, 2023

My first headlining gig.

If you follow me on socials you may have noticed a surge in "reels" or "shorts" recently, mostly cut from older stand-up shows. Well, in-between tours and book projects, I finally have some time to review and organize some of my giant collection of video. I'm finding that most of it is crap, just garbage, but among the steaming manure piles there are some real gems like the clips I've posted elsewhere.

Then there is this set, nearly 22 minutes of comedy representing one of my first headlining gigs when I started in San Francisco. Some of the material is dated, most of it is crowd work, but a lot of this set is pretty solid.

Context: I was headlining a show called "Big Boys of Comedy" at John DeKoven's defunct comedy club Bunjo's in Dublin, California. The show consisted of 4 larger male comics and myself. It was held the night before Thanksgiving and if that doesn't seem like a winning set of circumstances, the club was located inside a Chinese restaurant.

I even referenced this show in my recent book "Of Bears & Weight Loss"

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this peak into my past.

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