Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Happy Mardi Gras!

The streets of downtown are all closed off to allow for the big Mardi Gras festival. At some point in the evening I find myself near the perimeter and I overhear a woman asking an obvious security guard "are they going to let a cab get in here to pick me up?"

Now, looking around I have no idea who she might be referring to with the word "they". The only person present who seems to have any authority is the security guard she is questioning. Does she mean he? And if so why not just ask him if he will allow a cab to come in?

She seems to imply that she thinks this situation is not only outside of her control but also his.

As I am pondering her language use, I notice in my periphery a taxi cab parked across the street from the festival perimeter. I point and I tell her "why don't you just take that one?"

To which she replies "that is not the company I called."

As I walk away, leaving her standing there still frustrated at the security guard, I am reminded of my Sunday school teachings that "The Lord helps those who help themselves."

People who help themselves, get help. Unfortunately,  she was too stressed  to see the obvious solution  staring her in the face.

And this is why in two weeks I will be touring the country telling people how to manage their stress.

Happy Mardi Gras everybody!

Maybe we should give up stress for Lent?

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